Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Okay, so I know it's been eons since I've used this thing. But here I go.

The original idea behind this journal was to make it an "art blog" type thing....well, that failed. I am simply too busy to feel like bothering with this format very often (Clearly).

However, I have recently made a tumblr and am planning on getting a backlog of posts queued up on there so if you are interested in following my artwork at all, my suggestion would be to go there as this thing will probably only ever be sporadically updated.


Some of the stuff I post there will be stuff you've seen around before, but hopefully I can get some pretty frequent sketch posts going up there soon. Also if you have an art blog on tumblr or know of any good ones I should follow, let me know!

As far as life news goes, still doing that art teaching thing--year 2 officially, year 3 by my count. Getting the hang of it but MAN is life ever busy. School is making my life speed past me. Thinking of moving to Colorado so I can at least enjoy my surroundings while I do this thing.

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