Saturday, August 14, 2010

Scorpion Dreams and Other Things

Nothing like a bit of Assonance to start the day off right (thank you Rita).

Really not much to post right now. I'm more worried about getting my classroom set up and preparing for the school year than doodling. Still, one must find the time for some things lest one explodes.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ack. Its been a while, hm.


Have a doodle? Not much time for drawing of late. Just got a job as an art educator and am pretty much waving goodbye to my free doodle time for the next however long I pursue this career path.

On a more serious note I think there's something wrong with me. I can't stop drawing canines. Specifically wolves. I don't even like wolves all that much. And yet they keep falling out of my table pen.